Villa in Sivota, Lefkada
Lefkada Weather

The weather in Lefkada

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The climate in Lefkada
CThe weather in Lefkada is typically Mediterranean. It is characterised by hot and sunny summers and mild winters with high rainfalls. The best period for you to travel to Lefkada is from May to September. But even in April or October, the weather is also pleasant and warm. The range of average daytime temperatures is around 22 oC and 27 oC. May is usually a warm month, but keep in mind it may arise rain or even thunderstorm for a couple of days. In June the weather is hot and sunny. The maximum temperature normally fluctuates around 27 oC. At nights, remember to have o jacket with you. Most of the times, it has a slight breeze. July and August are the warmest months when the temperature touches 30 oC and sometimes it can touch even 33-35 oC. Luckily, the sea is quite cool and swimming is quite enjoyable! September and October have a nice average temperature and they are perfect for holidays. Sometimes the weather is a little shaky but it is just for a few days. Until mid - November the weather is still nice and it is a perfect time for those that want quiet and calm holidays.
Lefkada climate differs from the climate of other Ionian Islands due to its thermal winds that get really strong in some parts of the island; for that reason, the island is famous among the windsurfers (specially around Vasiliki) and kite surfers (around Lefkas town). Lefkada has a high level of humidity even during summertime, as an island it is surround by the sea. The villages in higher altitude like Karia and Sfakiotes provide dryer and cooler climate.

BThe best time to go to Lefkada for sunbathing and relaxation, or if you are sports' lover, is from May to September. Also hiking, cycling and walking are perfect in April - May and from September to November. The best time for windsurfing, paragliding and kite surfing is from May to September. The best time for sailing or fishing is from May to October. The best time for honeymoon is from April (after Easter Holidays) to October.

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